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CerCoG develops an ambitious interdisciplinary project focused on Brain and Cognition in a longitudinal perspective from neuron to cognition, healthy to pathology, and individual to collective cognition. We associate a broad spectrum of disciplines as our teams belong belonging to four UGA research Poles : SHS (Sciences Humaines et Sociales; Human and Social Sciences), CBS (Chimie, Biologie, Santé; Biological Sciences), MSTIC (Mathématiques, sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication; Information Sciences) and marginally PEM (Physique, ingénierie, matériaux; Physics, Engineering, Materials). In addition, Université Grenoble Alpes Hospital  (CHUGA, Clinical Neuroscience Axis) is significantly involved in this program.

CerCoG@UGA is based on a rich history on Brain and Cognition bootstrapped in previous structures and programs on the Grenoble site. A consolidated and structured scientific project has emerged from active and intense collaborations developed on the Grenoble site in an interdisciplinary perspective for more than ten years. CDP CerCoG@UGA, therefore, emerged as a natural product from collaborations in preexisting structures such as Grenoble Cognition Pole – PGC (2010-2022) and previous IDEX UGA programs such as NeuroCoG (2017-2020) and CerCoG (2020-2024)

Some illustrations 

Content of the project

CerCoG research activity will be organized along three axes, which include twelve scientific themes defined on the basis of multiple pre-existing collaborations. Transversal across the three scientific axes, we will develop a “Tools and Methods” Program with several actions, as detailed in the work package tab.

Submitted on February 17, 2023

Updated on August 20, 2024