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Some illustrations of interdisciplinary collaborations

The Cross Disciplinary Projects (CDP) CerCoG@UGA (Université Grenoble Alpes) is based on a rich history on Brain and Cognition bootstrapped in previous structures and programs on the Grenoble site. A consolidated and structured scientific project has emerged from active and intense collaborations developed on the Grenoble site in an interdisciplinary perspective for more than ten years.

CDP CerCoG@UGA therefore emerged as a natural product from collaborations in preexisting structures (Grenoble Cognition Pole – PGC, 2010-2022) and programs (IDEX CDP NeuroCoG 2017-2020 and the Clinical Neuroscience Axis – ANC 2020-now)

Some Illustrations:


The EYE-PROXY project (Eye movements as signatures for the evaluation of physiological, cerebral and cognitive states) gathered neuroscientists, computer scientists and the neuroradiology department of CHUGA (Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Grenoble Alpes) to set up a methodological platform allowing the acquisition and analysis of oculometry signals, alone or in conjunction with neuroimaging (MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), EEG (electroencephalogram)). This unique platform will help implementing the screening of different stages of visual information processing in healthy subjects and patients, allowing to refine the nosology of neurodegenerative, psychiatric and lesion-induced pathologies. It provides to the Grenoble site an international visibility on the acquisition and analysis of oculometry signals as a signature of healthy and pathological cognitive functioning. 


The BRAVA project (Brain plasticity of visuo-motor and audio-motor adaptation) associated behavioral data from various sensory-motor modalities to explore sensory-motor adaptation as a form of procedural motor learning characterized by a reduction in error between the actual and intended movement outcome. The project also aimed to identify neural mechanisms for encoding of information from short to long term, focusing on the commonalities that may exist in the consolidation of visuo-motor and audio-motor memories, in the framework of motor control theories.


The InnoBIOPARK project (Innovation in Parkinson disease) attempted to identify innovative biomarkers (structural, functional, behavioral) of Parkinson's disease (PD) in its initial phase and to evaluate their evolution with the disease progression and treatment response to better understand the pathophysiology of PD and allow an earlier diagnosis and a more adapted management. It combined clinical and neuropsychological characterization of patients, mapping of cortical excitability in patients and healthy controls via TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) and EEG, extraction of structural and functional signatures in brain MRI data in patients and healthy controls, and the study of emotional processing in relation with action behavior.


The InLANG project (Multitasking integration and neurolinguistic networks) participated in the shift from traditional linguistic models to more integrative models that consider sets of brain regions organized in cortical and sub-cortical networks and their connections. InLang associated phoneticians, psycholinguists, neuroscientists, clinicians, and computer scientists in UGA, in collaboration with the Leenaards Center of the University of Lausanne, to provide the first version of a “language connectome” identifying anatomicalfunctional interactions and the corresponding dynamics of brain activation. The analysis of a large cohort (150 participants, 15 to 88 years of age) who performed 15 language tasks led to the publication of a language atlas presenting language-related networks, modulable across age and gender.

Submitted on April 12, 2023

Updated on June 13, 2023