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Clinical Neuroscience

Research themes

Philippe Kahane Photo
Philippe Kahane

This axis aims to provide reliable tools to improve BDs (Brain Diseases) diagnosis and search for new avenues for more effective and personalized therapies. It relies on the ANC (Axe Neuroscience Clinique) of CHUGA (Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Grenoble Alpes) which groups twelve clinical disciplines that provide a thorough expertise of all neurological and psychiatric diseases whatever the age, and whether developmental, degenerative, vascular, tumor or traumatic.

The main objective of this axis is to develop dependable resources for enhancing the diagnosis of brain diseases (BDs) and exploring novel avenues for more efficient and individualized therapies. This axis draws upon the clinical expertise of the Axe Neuroscience Clinique (ANC) at CHUGA (Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Grenoble Alpes), which brings together twelve clinical disciplines to offer comprehensive knowledge of all types of neurological and psychiatric diseases.  The main research themes are:

  • Refining the diagnosis of brain diseases
  • Developing innovative brain therapies
  • Management of BDs-related disability
Members Labs
Adrian Kasler GIN
Alexandre Krainik GIN
Annik Charnallet  LPNC
Audrey Legouellec TIMC - IMAG
Benoit Allenet TIMC
Bertrand Toussaint TIMC - IMAG
Bruno Bonaz GIN
Cécile Batandier GIN
Céline Piscicelli  LPNC
Chrystèle Mosca  
Claude Dieterich  
Colin Deransart GIN
Daniel Fagret  LRB
Dominic Perrenou  LPNC
Elena Moro GIN
Frédéric Saudou GIN
Jean-François Payen De La Garanderie GIN
Members Labs
John Rendu GIN
Julien Fauré GIN
Julien Thevenon IAB
Marion Le Maréchal GIN
Mircea Polosan GIN
Nathalie Roux - Buisson GIN
Nicolas De Leiris LRB
Olivier Detante GIN
Olivier Palombi LJK
Philippe Chaffanjon GIPSA - lab
Pierre Albaladejo TIMC
Pierre Bouzat GIN
Rachel Zoubrinetzky  LPNC
Sara Meoni GIN
Stephan Chabardes GIN
Sylvie Grand GIN
Thierry Bougerol GIN

Inter-axis interaction


In link with the brain axis:

In close interaction with preclinical developments of Axis 1 which address several issues at a finer scale of understanding than is feasible in humans.

To access the brain axis.


In link with the cognition axis:

With the actions developed in Axis 2 regarding cerebral substrates of cognitive dysfunctions and brain plasticity.

To access the cognition axis.

Submitted on February 17, 2023

Updated on January 25, 2024