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Summer Seminar "Music, brain, and cognition"

Friday, 16 June from 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the amphitheater of the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme-Alpes.

CerCoG organizes its second interdisciplinary scientific seminar of the year entitled "Music, Cognition and Brain".


  • 8.30 a.m- 9.30 a.m: Welcome coffee.
  • 9 a.m-9.30 a.m: Introduction of the seminar theme by the members of the CerCoG Young Researchers Committee
  • 9.30 a.m-10.10 a.m: «The benefits of music on our mental and physical health» by Sophie Donnadieu, Senior Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology, LPNC Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neurocognition, Université de Savoie Mont-Blanc, UGA/CNRS
  • Active break (20 min): Musical animation preceded by an introduction «What is art-therapy with a musical dominant?» By Cécile Dondé, Art therapist and musician, Chloé Nespoulet, Art therapist and member of the Art therapist guild and Nathalie Plaasch, Art therapist and member of the Art therapist guild
  • 10.30 a.m -11.10 a.m: «When speech becomes music» by Nathalie Henrich Bernardoni Research Director CNRS, UMR 5216 GIPSA-lab, Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique, UMR CNRS/INP/UGA
  • 11.10 a.m to 11.20 a.m: Coffee break
  • 11.20 a.m - Noon : «Influence of music on the early development of language and attention» by Mathilde Fort, Senior Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology and Development, Laboratory of Psychology and Neurocognition UMR CNRS 5105, Babylab and NeuroSciences Research Center of Lyon, UMR 5292, Université Lyon 1
  • noon: Buffet

The event has been recorded in its entirety, and we are delighted to inform you that you can now watch it anytime on our official YouTube channel.

To access the event recording, simply visit our YouTube channel and search for the corresponding video. Be sure to subscribe to our channel to stay informed about future updates, events, and content that we'll be sharing.

Click on the link to watch the recording

Submitted on August 24, 2023

Updated on October 27, 2023