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Thursday, June 30, from 12 pm to 6 pm, a first half-day dedicated to our platforms.
This event took place at the amphitheater located on the first floor of the IMAG building, 700 avenue central, Campus de St Martin d'Hères.
Indeed, the partner laboratories of CerCoG@UGA mobilize more than 20 "labeled" platforms, not to mention the numerous technical platforms of the laboratories. These platforms are now an essential element in the organization of research projects.
For this first half-day, we decided to focus on four "core business" platforms: PICGIN, IRMaGe, SCREEN (MSH-Alpes) and GRICAD.
Do you know them all? What expertise and services are offered? How are they organized? What have they achieved in research projects? What are your expectations regarding these platforms?
- 12h: buffet
- 13h - 15h50: Platform tour (20' presentation, 10' of questions)
- Half-day introduction: Monica Baciu, Emmanuel Barbier
- GRICAD: Pierre-Antoine Bouttier
- IRMaGe: Emmanuel Barbier, Alexandre Krainik, Vasile Stupar, Aurélie Campagne
- PIC-GIN: Yasmina Saudi
- SCREEN (MSH-ALPES): Sonia Mandin
- 15h30-16h00 coffee break
- 16:00-17:00 Use cases (Engineering researchers, 8 minutes per presentation)
- GRICAD: Segmentation of CT images of cranial traumatized patients, Clément Brossard (GIN) / Pierre-Antoine Bouttier (GRICAD)
- 16h10 - GRICAD: Machine learning on HCP data, Martial Mermillod (LPNC) / Laurent Torlay (LPNC)
- PICGIN: Transparisation et microscope lightsheet, Jean-Christophe Deloulme - Laetitia Capellano (GIN) / PICGIN platform
- 16h30 - IRMaGe: Clarify the role of the hippocampus in mnesic and non-mnesic cognition. IRMf study, Jérémy Gardette (LPNC) / Lucie Miquel (IRMaGe)
- 4h40 - IRMaGe: CEST imaging for hydrogels detection, Rachel Auzély - Moustoifa Said (CERMAV/GIN) / Olivier Montigon (IRMaGe), SCREEN (MSH-ALPES): ParentBO, Camille Jacquet - Aurélie Paldacci (LIP/PC2S and OPSP) / Sonia Mandin (SCREEN)
- 17.00 General discussion on platform usage
- 18h00 End of the day
Half-day introduction: Monica Baciu, Emmanuel Barbier
GRICAD: Pierre-Antoine Bouttier
GRICAD: Segmentation of CT images of cranial traumatized patients, Clément Brossard (GIN) / Pierre-Antoine Bouttier (GRICAD)
16h30 - IRMaGe: Clarify the role of the hippocampus in mnesic and non-mnesic cognition. IRMf study, Jérémy Gardette (LPNC) / Lucie Miquel (IRMaGe)
16h40 - IRMaGe: CEST imaging for hydrogels detection, Rachel Auzély - Moustoifa Said (CERMAV/GIN) / Olivier Montigon (IRMaGe), SCREEN (MSH-ALPES): ParentBO, Camille Jacquet - Aurélie Paldacci
SCREEN (MSH-ALPES): Sonia Mandin
PIC-GIN: Yasmina Saudi
PICGIN: Transparisation et microscope lightsheet, Jean-Christophe Deloulme - Laetitia Capellano (GIN) / PICGIN platform
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